Monday, February 17, 2014

Taking a break for 21 days...

It has been a heck of a long time it feels since I have blogged about my 90x journey. Lots of things have happened. First, I kept up with the workouts until last week. I took Tuesday through Sunday off as I was going to be starting Beachbody's 21 Day Fix this Monday (today).

So, I am doing the 21 Day Fix with my Beachbody coach and a few other people in a challenge group. Not sure if I am going to blog about it or just post short synopsis's on the Facebook challenge page the group has.

Regardless, I will be taking a short hiatus from my P90 journey but will return after my 21 days. I will realistically start over from day one and my end up doing the classic version instead of the lean. It appears to be more strength centered, which is more up my alley.

So ta ta for now. :-) 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 19: Legs/Back/Abs


This morning I woke up and did Legs and Back followed by Ab Ripper X. I felt great afterwards. My repetitions have really increased and my endurance levels have gone up drastically. What I thought was impossible a mere weeks ago is now becoming more and more realistic!!! So AMAZING!!! Solidly fit into one of my favorite pairs of Lucky's today. Smiles abound!!! :-)


My main meal today was a butt ton of the Energy mix (cranberries, pumpkin seeds, edamame, and almonds). Not at all what I would consider well rounded by any means but it was higher in calories it wiped out all of my extra calories. Pretty addictive stuff. I was shy 200 plus calories but that is with the exercises factored in. I went over the 1200 calories allotted at least? ;-)

Ok Well, this is going to be super short because I am super tired. I have double workouts the remainder of the weekend. Fingers crossed all will be grand and glorious!!!

Till tomorrow!! Night!!!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 18 P90x Lean (No workout)

So today was like a day that never happened! I woke up with a monster migraine and spent almost the entire day wrapped up in bed. I finally ate dinner when Mark came home. Turkey sandwich and hot soup. The migraine is still lingering despite the fact that I maxed out on the maximum dosage allowed!

So... needless to say... no workout today. No good eating today (well, no eating at all). We will consider it a wash. I will try and work it out this weekend for my make up day. But if not... then I will go continue on and continue to work hard.

Got an email about the 21 Day Fix program today. Due to inclement weather, they have had to push back shipment until the 11th of this month. Hopefully it arrives by the 11th so that I still have time to get it done and continue with P90x prior to the wedding.

Going to get ready for bed now though because while my migraine has been downgraded to a headache... it still is uncomfortable and I am still beat.

So night night!!! See you tomorrow! :-)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 15 P90x Lean (Shoulders and Arms)

Good evening!!!


Well, woke up this morning and did Shoulders and Arms as well as Ab Ripper. I actually used real weights and more of the green bands today as I felt the red bands were not doing anything for me. I did 15 reps or more on all the exercises and really gave a ton of intensity. Regardless of whether my weight is declining, I know for a fact that my strength is increasing... a butt ton. My Ab Ripper was not as much as past days but I am able to do some of all of the workouts. I can feel my abs beneath my skin!! ;-) Today I did 224 ab exercises this morning. Before you know it I will be right up to the max 325 exercises. AWESOME!!!


Went to bed early so I ended up failing to complete my food logging but got it done the next morning. I ended around 270 below my goal. Ugh. But my net calories are under what they need to be so hopefully it will round out in the end. Will continue trying my very best.

Today was a GREAT day. I had been planning an event for the staff at work so that they could get to know our providers and broaden their scope of what services were out there. Thrilled to say that it went very well. So happy that everything worked out so well!!!!

That is pretty much all for the day!!! :-) Bye Bye!!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 16 P90x Lean (Missed Workout)

Ugh Ugh Ugh Ugh UGH!!!! I hate not doing my workout in the morning. I know myself and I know that I am setting myself up for failure when I skip the morning workout when I wake up. This morning I was up early but because I felt I needed to get into the office early to catch up on work, I told myself I'd come home early and get it done. Hardy har har!!!!

I ended up getting a call from the family I am a GAL to and because the kids were having a rough day, I went over there after work. That put me home after 7 pm and then Mark and I ran to Costco to pick up some things for the home and for my event tomorrow at work. Now it's 9:30 pm and I know that if I work out now I will be up ALL night. Blargh. Not the end of the world but I don't like how it jives with my body and the way I feel.

So... I will move today's LOVED Shoulders and Arms to tomorrow and then just push everything else back. Will still double up Stretch X on Saturday because I enjoy it.

Food today was fine. I ate a butt ton of proteins. Was still under my caloric goal but all things considered... I am not stressing it. Gonna go and get some sleep and start fresh tomorrow.

:-) Night!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 15. P90x Lean (Core)

Good evening!!!!


So today was Core Synergistics. I am really getting more and more acclimated to these workouts. Gosh do I love them (Well, almost all of them. I am still avoiding Yoga X). Fantastic news for myself!!!! I actually did like real pushups. Like real pushups!!!! This is amazing!!!!! I was so excited when I actually felt myself go all the down without falling on my face. THAT FEELING ROCKED!!! I even did a few of the dreaded prison cell pushups. Really gave high intensity during the entire workout. I did not do the bonus exercises (last three) but I gave my all during the rest. Actually it was to the point I almost thought I was going to vomit! Never thought I'd say this but I LOVE P90x. I am 100% more  a strength and weights gal than a straight up cardio girlie.

On another note, my Beachbody coach let me know that we were game on for ordering the new 21 day fix program with Amber Calabrese. This will be a challenge group that will run soon. PUMPED for this. Unfortunately, it may be counter productive to do both P90x AND 21 Day Fix so I will sadly have to take a short hiatus on the P90. Not thrilled about stopping but really excited to see where the 21 day takes me. Plus with the wedding approaching in less than two months, a shorter length work out may be just what the doctor ordered.


Still under my calories. On the positive note, pausing P90 soon and starting 21 day may assist me with my eating. 21 day is focused on portion controlled meals so hopefully it will assist me in training my body to eat more without the fear of over eating/not eating the right foods. Had a half of a roasted chicken sub for lunch today. Haven't had bread in a minute so it was super good!!!!

Had a great day overall. I seriously LOVE doing my workout in the mornings. I may not always relish the idea of getting out of bed but once I start my workout.. Gosh golly gee is it amazing. I spend the day in Gainesville assisting with transporting vehicles so am especially glad I woke up early to knock out Core. There was NO way I'd be ready to work out after being in a car all day.

Tomorrow is Shoulders and Arms plus Ab Ripper!! Woot Woot!!!

Nighty nighty. It's 8:30 pm and I am totally beat!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 14 P90x Lean (No workout)

Well, this will be a pretty short entry. I took on a new case as a Guardian ad Litem and met with my family for the first time today. I was there a good deal longer than I expected so there was no workout today. Mark and I woke up early enough and had our Sunday breakfast. Very lazy kind of morning. My plan was that I'd run over to the families house and then come back and do Yoga X before starting dinner.

Well, I ended up going grocery shopping for them and then watched a movie with the kids so both the workout and dinner went down the tubes! For the record, so is the shower that I was planning on taking this evening. LOL!

So, maybe this is my subconscious trying to find ways NOT to do Yoga X but my conscious is going to have to nip this in da bootie if this is the case. Yoga X, while super hard for me, is crucial to my progress. NO MORE!

Had leftovers (Mediterranean Chicken) for dinner. My biggest weakness lately has been the dark chocolate raw almonds. I keep telling Mark to hide them. Boy are they good. I know they are "good" for you (in the sense of the non horrible fat and in comparison to Doritos)  but you can certainly overeat on foods that are ok foods. My calories still ended up about a hundred under.

We shall see what this week brings!!!!!
